
Select your service and solution

The first 4 months of use the ”myeixing butler”are entirely free of charge.
After this initial 4 month trial period, fees will be applied according to the services associated with your specific project. Rest assured, however, that the cost will not exceed $200 per month even in case of maximum service use.
We ensure a cap on our charges to maintain affordability while providing top-quality services catered to the specific needs of your project

ServiceFree (The first 4 months)Basic ($20/month)Premium($55/month)Customized($170/month)
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FBA Inventory×
Sales Analysis

Q: How to continue the service after the 4-month trial period?
A: You can leave your contact information on the ‘contact us’ page and specify your need to continue service in the ‘notes’ box. We will call you to inform you of the specific package and price and help you complete the renewal process.

Q: Are the available functions in the program the same after renewal as during the trial period?
A: Yes, once you renew your subscription, you will continue to have the same access to all the features as you did during the trial period. Subscribing to a service after a trial period should not diminish the benefits or features you have already enjoyed. Renewing your subscription is just a formal commitment that shows you value and want to continue using the services.